This post is a quick post and the aim is to share a very successful recipe of shortbread cookies. I made it for a Flower Power Party held at my place last week [thats why I wasn’t blogging that frequently]. I had made many things based on the theme and one of the most successful item was flower shaped shortbread cookies decorated with royal icing. Here is a picture of the party and the cake. This might give ideas to some of you for any parties you might be arranging.
This recipe is taken from one of my top favorite blogs Joy of Baking written by Stephanie Jawroski. It was one of the first blog that inspired me to start blogging and I love the information she provides and am so impressed with the fact that she is doing this for a very long time. What a great informative website we have to follow. I have had no disappointments following the recipes of this site.
Shortbread are one of the most premium and luxurious cookies. Although made up of four key ingredients, these delectable treats are perfect combination for an evening tea. The flavors and textured can be varied by adding chocolate chips, or 1 tsp of cinnamon or 1tbsp of espresso powder or lemon/orange zest.For a more crunchy shortbread, you can replace 1/4 cup of flour with rice flour and for a more delicate taste, replace 1/2 cup flour with corn flour. You can create so many variations with the presentation also by decorating it with royal icing, sprinkle granulated sugar before baking, dipping them in melted chocolate etc. They store very well, in air-tight container for upto one week or in freezer for upto one month. Make sure you wrap them well before freezing. although many people suggested that its a good recipe to make cookie lollipops but i found the dough way to delicate to handle the stick and even after baking they are so fragile that they can’t be made into lollies.
So here is the recipe exactly adapted from Joy of Baking followed by my royal icing recipe.
- 1 cup Flour
- 1/8 tsp Salt
- 1/2 cup Unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1/4 cup Powdered (confectioners or icing) sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla essence
- Cream butter beating for about 1 minute on low speed.
- Add sugar and beat for about 2 minutes until mixture is light and creamy.
- Add essence and beat.
- Add in sifted dry ingredients.
- Mix gently with hand until just combined. Do not knead.
- Make a flat fat disk and wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for atleast 1 hour.
- Roll out on lightly-floured surface about 1/4 inch thick.
- Cut into desired shapes and lift carefully with a spatula.
- Transfer onto parchment lined baking sheet or un-greased sheet.
- Place it in fridge for 15 minutes. this step will make sure that cookies don't loose their shape.
- Bake in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 5 for about 10 minutes until just golden at the base.
- Cool completely before storing.
Please refer to my previous post for the recipe.
Wow, the cake and cookies are amazing!! I wish I were that creative!